Best Practices for Working in Winter Weather
As temperatures begin to drop, it is important to know the dangers of cold stress and the best ways to stay safe on your jobsites and in your homes.
Risks of cold-related injuries and illnesses include hypothermia, frostbite, and dehydration, and can lead to lasting adverse health effects. Before work begins on a jobsite, precautions should be taken to ensure a safe workplace, including removing snow and ice, salting walkways and roadways, staying aware of weather forecasts for each workday and training workers on how to detect symptoms of cold stress and limiting exposure to dangerous cold conditions.
During the work shift, workers can also use space heaters, bring a change of warm clothes to avoid working in damp clothing, and should know the proper emergency response procedures for workers experiencing symptoms of cold stress.
Workers should also understand the safe use of temporary heating devices both on construction sites and at home. OSHA requires jobsites using temporary heating devices to have a fire extinguisher available. When using heaters in the vicinity of combustible tarpaulins, canvas, or similar coverings, then the heaters must be located at least 10 feet from the coverings. Gasoline and other flammable liquids must also be stored in safety cans outside or in approved storage facilities.
In the event of an emergency and a fire extinguisher must be used, remember the PASS method (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep).
NAHB, OSHA and the National Weather Service have several resources available to train workers on cold stress and fire prevention including the video toolbox talk on cold stress safety below and:
- NAHB-JSI Video Toolbox Talk on Housekeeping and Fire Safety
- NAHB Fire Protection and Fire Prevention Toolkit
- National Weather Service Winter Weather Preparedness Page
- OSHA Fire Protection and Prevention Guide
NAHB’s Jobsite Safety Handbook App also features NAHB’s cold stress and fire prevention materials. The app, which features this content in English and Spanish, can be downloaded in the Apple and Google Play Stores.